Andreas Rendra, Aries Budianto


Introduction: Peritonitis is the most common abdominal emergency in emergency departments throughout the world. The cause of peritonitis testing is perforation with high mortality and morbidity rates.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the description of peritonitis cases in RSSA Malang on January 2016- December 2017.

Material and Methods: The study design is a descriptive study with a sample of all peritonitis patients treated at RSSA Malang on January 2016-December 2017 that met the inclusion criteria, patients undergoing completion therapy. The medical sample was collected such as sex, age, cause of peritonitis, surgery, duration of treatment, and the condition of the patient's discharge.

Results: The number of peritonitis patients in RSSA Malang on January 2016-December 2017 was 31 who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of 303 patients. Peritonitis prevalence in men (65.3%) is higher than in women (34.7%). The largest age group is 20-29 years (20.5%). The most common cause of peritonitis is due to appendix perforation (48.8%). Most peritonitis patients received surgical management in the form of exploratory laparatomy and appendectomy (43.5%). The length of stay was 4-7 days (41.9%). According to the conditions of the exit most of them were alive (76.8%).

Conclusion: Peritonitis patients who were treated at RSSA Malang on January 2016- December 2017 were predominantly male, with age distributions ranging from 20-29 years. The most common cause of peritonitis is peritonitis due to appendix perforation. Laparatomy exportation and appendectomy are the most common surgical procedures performed at RSSA Malang. The mortality rate is still quite high at 23%.


Peritonitis, Exploratory laparatomy, Appendectomy, Mortality rate

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